Fostering Stakeholder Engagement via Educational Activities on Climate Smart Forestry in Cyprus
Climate-Smart Forestry (CSF) is an innovative and comprehensive approach designed to integrate sustainable forest management practices with climate mitigation, adaptation, and socio-economic goals. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing forest resilience and mitigating the effects of climate change while balancing ecological and economic imperatives. The foundational principles of CSF align closely with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and global sustainability targets.
The EduCyprus-CSF Project aims to raise awareness and share knowledge of CSF in Cyprus through a range of activities for local stakeholders. Will exploit geospatial and other technological tools to identify and prioritise forest restoration sites, to engage stakeholders and raise awareness about CSF-based restoration actions and the importance of Mediterranean forests. The project will mainly target citizens, NGOs and policymakers, engaging them through a series of educational activities to increase awareness on CSF, educate on its importance, and co-design relevant initiatives applying CSF locally. These initiatives will empower local communities and stakeholders to actively contribute to CSF decision-making and policy development.
The primary objectives of the EduCyprus-CSF project are to:
- Increase awareness of CSF practices through educational campaigns and workshops.
- Identify and prioritize restoration sites of Cyprus forests using geospatial tools and promote community-driven restoration initiatives.
- Support sustainable forest management through education and engagement.
- Empower stakeholders in CSF decision-making.
- Educational material on CSF, focusing on Mediterranean forests.
- Online educational material on CSF, focusing on Mediterranean forests.
- Identification and prioritization of critical forested areas using geospatial tools and promoting community-driven restoration initiatives.
- Organize afforestation walks and empower stakeholders in CSF decision-making through workshops.

Funding information

Disclaimer: This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.