Monitoring and mapping of illegal dumping sites by means of satellite services
The DumpMapper project aims to build a reliable service which detects illegal dumping from satellite photos by using high spatial resolution satellite imagery, state-of-the-art proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision (CV) models developed by PERIOPSIS. The service will help cleaning services and sanitary departments of municipalities, local communities, environmental NGOs, companies performing outdoors cleaning, waste reuse and circular economy, etc to spot and clean dumping occurring inside the geographical area under study (area of interest, AOI), in this case within their areas of responsibility.
The primary objectives of the DumpMapper project are to:
- Detect illegal dumping as accurately and as fast as possible, within maximum a week from its occurrence.
- Prepare a reliable and accurate product, based on emerging technologies, offering services to clients to observe dumping locations and monitor cleaning operations.
- Alleviate the environmental impact of illegal dumping, understanding where illegal dumping occurs and when, taking cleaning measures and monitoring the measures taken, fighting dumping before it becomes a source of pollution and contamination.
- An online portal featuring an interactive GIS map for the users to access information on detected dumping locations in their areas of responsibility.


CYENS – Centre of Excellence
Funding information

Disclaimer: The project is funded by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation, Programmes for research, technological development and innovation “Restart 2016 – 2020”, under the programme “Creation and initial development of startups with international orientation (Pre-Seed) under the project number PRE_SEED/1221/0147.