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What does PERIOPSIS mainly do?

PERIOPSIS uses satellite images in order to detect points of interest, which are then shared with its clients. These points can be dumping, buildings, swimming pools, cars, trees, etc.

How does PERIOPSIS do it?

By applying advanced AI models which take satellite imagery as input. PERIOPSIS trains those models with millions of data points, to teach them how to detect points of interest.

Which is the flagship service of PERIOPSIS?

PERIOPSIS offers a range of services, listed under Services. From those, dumping detection is a cutting-edge highly accurate and advanced service, tailored to the needs of municipalities, local authorities, and organizations involved in environmental preservation to identify, monitor, and manage illegal dumping in their geographical areas of interest.

How does PERIOPSIS provide me with results?

After you pick a geographical area of interest, the AI models of PERIOPSIS scan the area for points of interest, during the indicated time window. Any points identified are either visualized and provided to you by the PERIOPSIS online portal or via CSV/JSON files submitted to you.

What are the system requirements to use the PERIOPSIS portal?

The only requirement is a stable internet connection and an up-to-date modern web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Note that our portal has not been extensively tested on Safari, but no known issues have been reported to us so far.

How do I sign up to the PERIOPSIS portal?

Access to the portal is provided to you via email, after we agree on the terms of the use of our services. You should first contact us and ask for a quote via the online form Contact Us

How can I use the PERIOPSIS portal with my team?

The PERIOPSIS portal is designed to enhance collaboration and optimize performance within teams. You can use the portal to share information among your internal departments and team members about the exact location of detected points of interest. In the case of dumping, this information may also include the volume and type of waste (this feature is work in progress), provide them with optimized routes to visit the locations, monitor cleaning processes and operations, provide insights and reporting for your customers and beneficiaries, identify hotspots of contamination and many more options.

How can I change my personal account information at the PERIOPSIS portal?

To change your account information, login to the PERIOPSIS portal and click the “User” icon, which resides on the top-left of the portal. Here, you can view and update your profile information, such as your name, username, and email. For security reasons, a confirmation email will be sent to your inbox every time this information is updated.

How do I navigate through the PERIOPSIS portal?

The Periopsis Platform provides the flexibility to view the detected points of interest in two ways: List view and Map view.

List View

With the list view, all detections related to your search are listed in a clear, organized format. Each detected point is represented with a block which previews important relevant information. In the case of the dumping service, this information can be the date of the detection, distance from your offices, actual geographical location, and status of the dumping (Reported, Visited, Cleaned).

Map View

The Map View provides a visual representation of your detections, plotted on a map. Each detection is represented by a marker on the map, providing information about the point of interest. Clicking on a marker will display more information about that particular point selected. In the case of the dumping service, this information can be the date of the detection, distance from your offices, actual geographical location, and status of the dumping (Reported, Visited, Cleaned), as well as a button for directions.

You can zoom in and out using the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons on the map, or by using the scroll wheel on your mouse. To navigate the map, click and drag the map to move it around.

How can I filter points of interest on the PERIOPSIS portal?

You can filter points by their type or date of appearance/detection, depending on the service you selected. In the case of dumping, you can filter based on the operation performed on each detected incident of dumping, i.e. (All, Reported, Visited, Cleaned).

What type of analytics is provided in the Statistics section of the PERIOPSIS portal?

The portal features a comprehensive ‘Statistics’ section that offers a wide range of insights related to the detected points of interest for each service (at this stage, Statistics work mainly for the “Dumping detection” service). The following statistics are available:

  1. Recent Statistics: Presents points detected during the last 12 weeks.
  2. Statistics by Year: Presents charts showing weekly statistics per service/category within service (wherever relevant) within the span of a selected year.
  3. Heatmap: Presents detected points in the form of an incidents’ heatmap. The map displays areas with high detection frequency in a gradient of colors, allowing you to identify hotspots at a glance.
  4. Current Year Actions: provides visual insights into actions taken during the current year.
How does PERIOPSIS keep my information secure?

At PERIOPSIS, the security of your data is our top priority. We employ state-of-the-art industry-standard security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access and perform regular security audits to ensure our systems are secure and up to date.

You can review our Privacy Policy for more detailed information about how we handle and protect your data.

How can I contact support if I need help?

If you need help or have any questions, you can reach our support team by email. All users have access to our email support. Send your queries to [email protected] and our team will get back to you within 24 hours.

How does the pricing of the service work?

Our pricing is subscription-based and varies according to the size of the inspection area of interest you require service for. We have designed different pricing tiers to accommodate a wide range of customer needs.

What happens to my personal data if I decide to cancel my subscription?

Upon cancellation, your personal information is permanently removed from our portal within a period of 6 months.

Can I receive results in other formats?

Any points identified are visualized and become available to you by the PERIOPSIS online portal. If you do not wish to make use of our portal, we can send you the results from the use of our selected in the pre-selected geographical area of interest via CSV/JSON, to the email account indicated by you.

Can I directly integrate your results to my own platform or system?

Currently, our portal does not directly support data integration with external websites or platforms. However, our technical team is always eager to work with clients on potential custom solutions. Please reach out to our support team at [email protected] directly to discuss your specific needs, and we will do our best to accommodate your request or suggest alternative solutions.